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RightsCon Silicon Valley 2016, brought to you by Access Now

Get ready for RightsCon Brussels: March 29-31, 2017!

Want to become part of RightsCon? Submit a session!


Access Now is proud to bring you the sixth installment of RightsCon, the world’s leading event on the future of the internet. Together we are shaping the global conversation about how to keep the internet open, free, and secure.

AtRightsCon Silicon Valley 2016, we brought together more than 1,100 attendees from 84 countries and more than 500 organizations. This upcoming Spring 2017 in Brussels, Belgium we’re gathering the global digital rights community in the heart of European politics and policymaking to host our most impactful RightsCon yet.

Together at RightsCon Brussels 2017, we’ll tackle the most pressing issues at the intersection of technology and human rights. If you have an idea for something you’d like to see happening there,tell us about it!


Tickets get you full access to three full days of program and Demo Room sessions, complimentary meals, beverages, parties and social events, and much more.

Discounts: We offer discounts to program session organizers, speakers, and participants attending from the Global South. The ticket price should not prohibit your attendance, so please contact [email protected]if you would like to request a discount, or have a question about who qualifies. For more information, please see ourticket policyand ourtravel support policy.

As of October 3, 1 Euro is the equivalent of about 1.1 USD. If you would like to purchase your tickets in US dollars, please contact Nick Dagostino ([email protected]) for steps on how.

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Past Sponsors Include:

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Mitchell Baker

Mitchell Baker

Executive Chairwoman, Mozilla

Behrouz Boochani

Behrouz Boochani

Author, Journalist, Professor, University of New South Wales

Kathy Brown

Kathy Brown

Former President and CEO, ISOC

Alexander De Croo

Alexander De Croo

Deputy Prime Minister of Belgium

Steve Crown

Steve Crown

Vice President and Deputy General Counsel at Microsoft

Harlem Désir

Harlem Désir

Former OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media

Camille François

Camille François

Global Director for Trust & Safety, Niantic; Lecturer, Columbia University SIPA

Steve Huffman

Steve Huffman

CEO and Co-Founder, Reddit

Zeid Ra’ad al Hussein

Zeid Ra’ad al Hussein

Former UN High Commissioner, Human Rights

Derrick Johnson

Derrick Johnson

President & CEO, NAACP

Alice Klein

Alice Klein

CEO, NOW Magazine

Rashad Robinson

Rashad Robinson

President, Color Of Change

Anthony D. Romero

Anthony D. Romero

Executive Director, ACLU

Nanjira Sambuli

Nanjira Sambuli

Digital Equality Advocacy Manager, World Wide Web Foundation

Marietje Schaake

Marietje Schaake

Member of European Parliament

Salil Shetty

Salil Shetty

Former Secretary General at Amnesty International

Brad Smith

Brad Smith

President and Chief Legal Officer, Microsoft

Edward Snowden

Edward Snowden

Board Member, Freedom of the Press Foundation

Audrey Tang

Audrey Tang

Digital Minister, Taiwan

Alex Walden

Alex Walden

Counsel, Free Expression and Human Rights, Google

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To complement our official programming, Access Now partners with other organizations to host relevant, topical satellite events both before and after RightsCon. Interested in having your satellite events at RightsCon 2017? Let us know! Here’s a look at what's happened before:

Iran Cyber Dialogue (ICD) is annual conference to strengthen the global community working towards improved online access to information in Iran. Hosts: ASL19 - When: Tuesday, March 29, 2016
The debate over encryption is central to the future of privacy and security online. Our first Crypto Summit in July 2015 framed the debate, identifying the key challenges and opportunities. At Crypto Summit 2.0., we worked together to find real-world solutions. Hosts: Access Now - When: March 30, 2016
This Responsible Data forum looked to build upon the ethical, privacy and security challenges posed by the use of new & emerging data sets and new technologies in human rights documentation. Hosts: Human Rights Outreach Associate - When: Tuesday, March 29, 2016
This two-day satellite event convened participants from around the world to draft The Manila Principles. Hosted by: EFF, Article 19, Center for Internet and Society - India, KICTANET, ADC, and Derechos Digitales, Open Net Korea - When: 22-23 March 2015

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